Crystal Palace Green Party candidate asks Croydon to rethink road blocks
Full letter copy:
Dear Cllr Ali,
Re: Croydon Council’s LTNs in Crystal Palace
We’ve not met so I’d firstly like to introduce myself. I am the Green Party Candidate in the upcoming Crystal Palace by-election. I hope this finds you well.
I recently met with residents in the Crystal Palace ‘Triangle’ area where much of the traffic was displaced following the implementation of the above LTNs. I have heard personal accounts, some very disturbing, of the impact this particular LTN has had, some of which you may already be aware.
As a Green, I of course support and promote the reduction of traffic and pollution – and an LTN is one way to achieve this but to be successful, in my view, it needs to be part of a wider, well consulted and well managed plan. The risks of isolated LTN planters in the roads that simply divert traffic through to neighbouring narrow, winding roads and where locals have not been consulted, can cause more harm than good, and alone do not bear the makings of a successful LTN.
I appreciate that the scheme is no longer in place and hope that lessons can be learned by all. However, due to previous loss of faith in some parts of the community, there is still understandable concern over what happens next. I should like to add that I am not referring to concerns of ‘pro-car lobbyists’, I am referring to genuinely concerned neighbours who want to see a reduction in traffic and improvement of air quality for themselves too.
Clearly there is much to be done in Bromley too – to reduce traffic and improve air quality but my request to you is that our Crystal Palace residents in Bromley are properly consulted on whatever the next phases of Croydon’s plans are. Are you in a position to provide such assurance to our Bromley residents?
I would also welcome the opportunity to join any cross-borough working group to represent the interests of our Crystal Palace residents in Bromley; I believe I can add valuable input from both a local and a Green perspective.
I, together with genuinely concerned residents of Crystal Palace, are available to meet with you or your colleagues to discuss any of this further should you find it helpful.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Maria Psaras
Green Party Candidate for Crystal Palace